Challenges are meant to be defeated and not evaded

In the times that we live in today, having an easy pass is gradually becoming the norm and people are putting it on a pedestal of accomplishment

Life is meant to be challenging and also rewarding

However, the seeking of an easy pass is gradually overcoming the need for strength, skill, and experience.

This is so because many people have been sucked into the idea that the end justifies the means and so they do not need to go through the rigor of challenges of the process before achieving something, but rather they can take a shortcut and as long as they get the trophy that's all that matters

Forgetting that with challenges comes experience and strength because overcoming a challenging task or situation will require that you skill up, apply strength, or be tenacious.

This for one now becomes the benefits of the challenges, because if you skilled-up so that you can able to overcome a challenging task, then that skill remains with you and can also be employed for the same challenge in the future or even for a different challenge in another situation, also if you built strength either physically or mentally in other to overcome a certain challenge, that strength remains with you even after the challenge and can be applied to something else, the same applies for tenacity

However, if none of these traits were cultivated in other to overcome a pending challenge, then what it means is that you are still not equipped to be able to overcome that challenge in the future or another like it

If you used a shortcut or an inappropriate method to boycott the challenges in the past then you have to be ready to still use it in the future if a similar situation comes up until it gets to a point where the method will no longer work, then you will realize that you have played yourself

Life is not a bed of roses, else lilies will overrun the mountains

As I mentioned earlier, life is meant to be challenging and also rewarding, for if you do the challenging tasks then you will be deemed qualified for the rewards of achievements that follow suit

If you try to leave a life devoid of challenges then I wonder what a life you are living.

This is not to say that you should seek out suffering and bask in it, NO, it simply means that you should expect that certain things will be difficult to achieve and that you are meant to work through them and figure out a way to conquer the obstacles and win regardless.

Don't shy away from the suffering that comes your way but rather annihilate it and put it beneath you while you go for your goals

If you can always do this, you will realize that you will become unafraid of any situation and also unstoppable in the pursuit of your dreams

And as many times as you can accomplish such feats of triumph, that is as much confidence and resilience that you would have built to be able to face any future obstacle

When you live every day with the expectation to win regardless of the challenges, sooner than later you will reach the height of Magnum Opus in your character.

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