You will struggle in life if you don’t know this one thing!

Gratitude in this case is a way in which you show appreciation for something that you have or have access to.

It’s giving ∼ that if you appreciate something it tends to increase, just like the saying goes ‘what you focus on expands.’

Gratitude can open up big doors for you that you would ordinarily not have access to.

It works like magic and even those who enjoy its largesse may never be able to explain its powers fully.

However, what I have seen and can say about it is that;

When you show genuine appreciation for something, it puts you in a mood which in turn necessitates the happy emotion.

Happy emotion is a very powerful vibe that is magnetic.

When you meet a person with a happy vibe you can’t help but get a spice up on your mood as well.

So, as I was trying to explain…

When you show gratitude and start to exude the powerful emotion of happiness, it becomes easy for people to want to associate with you and thus partake in the vibes.

This will ultimately lead to you getting support from people easily, making new friends, and having opportunities thrown at you because people want the vibe to last longer so they can also continue to bask in it.

Thus, generally, you start to experience incidences of Serendipity where you will have more reasons to be happy.

However, asides from all these benefits…

When people notice you show appreciation for things they did for you, it only goes to tell them that they will get more if they did more for you, unlike the many other people that never appreciated their good deeds.

And as human beings, we like to feel like we did good when we support people and to be told that what we did was beneficial and impactful in the lives of others and not otherwise is a win.

So, just to say…

If you are having some feelings of resistance and thwarted efforts, maybe it’s time you stop trying too hard for the big results or achievements and start expressing gratitude for the ones you already have.

Stop fighting yourself by fighting with your energies, remember like Jay Z once said “Nobody wins when the family feuds

Excite the happy mood by expressing gratitude and watch the magic take its course.

Thank you for stopping by.

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