Belief can bend reality
Indeed it can change your reality and make it better if you know how to apply its powers
Believing means trusting even without any evidence or beam of light of the possibility that something can happen or that something will happen, yet you trust that it will happen
Belief is like a magic wand that can give you that which you desire if you trust that it can
When you believe in something or that something will happen it is important to state that for it to take its full course and expend its magical ability, you have to have an unwavering and near-blind trust it will manifest
When there is no trust in the belief process then it will be an adventure of the follies
Many things have been achieved on the hills of absolute belief without doubt, so for you to activate its powers you must rid your mind and consciousness of doubts of any kind
A very good and popular example is religion
The belief in the mighty powers of Jesus Christ has led many Christians to experience many unexplainable miracles that the sane mind can not comprehend
The belief in the message of the holy prophet has made a lot of great things happen in the life many Muslims
The belief that the Israelites had that they could escape the Egyptians caused them to trust the incident at the Red Sea and thus escape from the captivity of the chasing Egyptians
Napoleon Hill's belief that his son who had a hearing problem would hear someday led to his actions that eventually caused his son to hear
Believes is a testament to the level at which you are willing to trust something or someone without reserve
Thus, what it means is that if you strongly believe in something or that something will happen without any reservations in your mind, you can most likely turn that thing into reality
Now, you have to understand that as simple as this assertion sounds, it can also be complex and there are many nuances to the act and process
There are times that belief may likely fail, not necessarily because the concept is a false one but rather because certain occurrences are just against the natural order of things, the belief is not strong enough, or simply a case of unexplainable parallax.
But first You Must Believe!
And if it manifests you will reap all the benefits and if doesn't at least you may learn more about the act and process and better apply it next time
Remember, to believing costs you nothing other than the thought of holding it in your mind.
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