Money can buy you happiness!
Let me show you how
The notion that money can not buy happiness has for so long made many people operate at a low frequency.
This is because they believe that no matter how much they accumulate that it still won't help them find happiness.
While in reality, they haven't found happiness because they really do not have the means to get the things that will make them happy.
Happiness is a feeling and that feeling is always elicited by something either tangible or intangible.
For example, you just had a new baby; that can make you happy that you birthed a new being into the world.
If you bought a new car, especially if it is your first car, that can make you happy.
If you just won a competition, that can make you happy.
Okkk…. I know you will be like >>>
so what are you getting at mate?
Alright …alright… I know you are tired of my examples.
So, let me finish up by asking!
Will it be ok to say that even though money can not directly buy happiness, it can indirectly BUY it?
What I mean by that is >>>
If you had enough money and have no car and used your money to buy yourself a new car (your first car):
Won't it be correct to say that money enabled that happiness and thus that money bought you some happiness?
Of course, I know that you can already see where my argument is headed…
Even though money can not directly buy you happiness (just because happiness is intangible), It can buy you tangible assets and connections that can give you the said happiness.
Let me know your thoughts on this.
PS: a dog made me write this 😂
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